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Plan It, Test It,Change It

The foundation of our paid search campaigns is effective testing. We don’t just throw the first idea we have out there. We put all of our best ideas to the test and let the most efficient strategy prove itself through real-world results. The only kind of results that matter.

1000k User Cilents

3000+ Featured Logo

1000+ Design Created

web development

Creative work

We have completed thousands of projects, some of them showing important projects here.


We know a thing or two about capturing leads. After all, it’s right there in our name. At Lead Origin, helping brands and businesses define their audience down to the atomic level is all in a day’s work.
For the inexperienced, the path to success in paid search is a pricey one. But with enough paid search savvy, there is no more direct route to reaching your target audience. Why take the windy road when we’ve got the straight and narrow all mapped out?

Advertising Plus Science

We’ve been around the search game long enough to make a science out of it. Targeting an audience, finding the most lucrative keywords, understanding the dynamics of bids and budgets, and crafting optimized landing pages are just a few of the processes we’ve mastered
Many of these skills can only be learned through experience. So go ahead. Borrow our experience. We’ve got plenty to share.

Intent-Based Marketing

Paid search gives you a rare opportunity to capture an audience whose intentions you’re already aware of.
Zero in on people during the purchasing process. Direct information-hungry customers to the top of your sales funnel. Capture the attention of the people who want to engage with your brand and business.

Don’t Let Leads Slip Away

First impressions are everything, but sometimes it takes a second glance. If someone has already shown interest in your business by clicking an ad or visiting your site, why not follow up?
Retargeting puts your paid search ads in front of users who have already interacted with your business. With a little bit of marketing mojo, we can harness retargeting to build familiarity with your brand — and convert that into real leads.

Take Control of Your Marketing Funnel

Explore Paid Search Oppotunities

Want to refine your existing paid search campaigns? Or are you completely new to paid search and intrigued by what it can do for your business?
We’re excited to see how far paid search can take you. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and see how we can lend our expertise to your success

Modern Ads for the Modern Web

Static advertising is so last decade. Responsive advertising is all the rage. We design responsive paid search campaigns which allow you to serve advertisements that automatically adapt headlines and descriptions based on important user information such as device type, location, and search query.


Let’s Get in Touch

Sales Department +91 9137893212
Support Department +91 9137893212
Sales Department sales@quiksi.com
Support Department support@quiksi.com
Technical Affiliation

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